The number of women suffering from breast cancer is increasing. To worsen matters, breast cancer frequently spreads into the brain. Once in the brain, the tumor is hard to treat. It is difficult to deliver medicines to this organ as it is highly protected from exogenous molecules circulating in the blood. Therefore, clever unconventional approaches are needed.
The team of the present project will create a smart drug, inspired in our body´s own antibodies, able to reach both the breast and the brain, to bind the most relevant and aggressive breast cancer cells, and kill them. As this is quite a demanding job, the project combines the expertise of highly specialized research groups covering the fields of antibody manipulation, shuttling medicines from the blood to the brain, replication of human diseases in animals, and screening new medicines in the body.
This project represents an innovative solution for brain metastases treatment, which mainly employs harmful and invasive strategies as radiotherapy and surgery. This new approach may benefit the patients.